TY Update March 2017 | Page 16

www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY


If you ’ re looking to travel around Ireland on a budget , An Óige is here to help ! We have 24 irish youth hostels located in prime locations throughout Ireland . Our budget youth hostels offer good quality , safe and comfortable a c c o m m o d a t i o n f o r families , groups and individuals of all ages . You can choose from budget hostels in Dublin , Cork , Galway , Kerry , Wicklow with all types of rooms and locations – everybody is welcome !


Every year over 200 schools choose Delphi for their school tours . We inspire pupils to aim higher and achieve more through our multi-activity programmes . Located on a 300 acre site in the breathtaking Delphi Valley , Delphi Resort ’ s stimulating environment helps to change perspectives and broaden the horizons of young pupils . www . delphiresort . com


All-Ireland competition run by the CSO and aimed at encouraging young people to create concepts and applications utilising freely available Open Data .
Participants :
• Work in teams
• l e a r n o r i m p r o v e computer science skills
• Utilise opportunities presented by Open Data
• Be challenged in creating technologies such as mobile apps


Develop Me specialises in bringing the highest q u a l i t y e x p e r i e n t i a l learning training into the s e c o n d a r y s c h o o l classroom .
Through experiential learning we currently focus on two critical areas for today ’ s students :
• Project Management
• Understanding Effective Teamwork .

BUS ÉIREANN “ GO PLACES ” !‘ G o P l a c e s ’ i s B u s

Éireann ' s exciting new TY competition . Students are asked to submit proposals on how Bus Éireann ’ s public bus transport and school transport can best continue to support schools and wider society into the future . Top prize is € 3,000 in prize money and a class trip to Tayto Park . More information at
www . buseireann . ie / goplaces


A week-long , hands-on p r o g r a m m e f o r T Y students with an interest in science and maths . It is designed to introduce students to the exciting and diverse world of engineering .
The EYF programme p r o v i d e s a w e e k o f exposure to the various engineering disciplines .
Students gain meaningful and practical insight into the world of engineering .


This award for the use of CSO Data is aimed at encouraging young people to use Open Data . This award is for the most innovative use ( or potential use ) of CSO Data .
The award is open to all categories and age-groups and entries can be in any format


Brushing up on your
Social Skills
You will never know how important first impressions are !!
The most essential principals being taught in our Workshops are to Respect your-self & others , live with Integrity and make others feel at ease .


We offer Social Skills Workshops throughout Ireland for TY Students .