TY Update March 2017 | Page 10

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Are you ready to change the world ?


It ’ s hard to believe my Transition Year experience is almost over with only two full months left of freedom , friendship and free classes .


I could spend my word count wallowing in my sorrows about the inevitable , but what use would that be ? In the few months that have passed since I ’ ve been previously featured in this magazine , a lot has happened : Trump came to power , Brexit is being implemented and worst of all
Reece Sheridan , TYI Ambassador , updates us about his progress in TY was the ever so traumatic Kim Kardashian burglary which brought us youth to breaking point . These challenging times are reason enough for young people to not only give up on the future but forfeit their own future .


But believe it or not , I haven ’ t ; quite the opposite in reality ! If Transition Year has taught me anything it ’ s that the power and potential of a young person should not be underestimated .


The inspirational individuals I have met and their aspirational actions reinstate my faith in humanity . But more importantly they further supported my belief that Transition Year has a tremendous impact on
TY UPDATE MARCH 2017 individuals , schools and the wider community . One of my experiences was to become involved with the European Youth Parliament .