TY Issue 5 February issue | Page 3


TYs had a drumming class with "Jabbajabbajembe Percussion" this month, where they learned about the origins of drumming and also different methods of ear training through rhythm games. The students expressed themselves freely throughout the workshop while drumming and together played music with instruments such as jembe drums, agogo bells, shekere, asalato and marakas.

The enviroment in which the students were learning was free and relaxed, allowing everyone to get involved and have fun.

First Aid

TYs completed a first aid course in Colaiste Lorcain this month. The course which consisted of education on basic first aid assistance went down very well with the students.

CPR was the first topic mentioned in the course, the students learned how to correctly give CPR on simulation mannequins, and what to do if CPR fails to work. Although

Students enjoyed the practical experience and the mannequins weren't really in danger! Throughout the course TYs also learned how to treat people in the event of emergencies, such as burn victims, asthmatics, paraplegics and choking victims.

Students also had the opportunity to learn how to use a defibrillator, mannequins were used to create a

scenario where a victim had gone into cardiac arrest, the students then had to work together to save the victims life.

The TYs also learned about how to treat burns, poisoning, knife and bullet wounds and also broken bones. Overall the course was very educational and went down as a great success with the Colaiste Lorcain students.