Tuskan Times February 2014 | Page 14

Randene Rants: The Merits (or lack thereof) of Marriage

The one thing that almost all women (and even men) look forward to and have planned since their childhood is their wedding: a ceremony defined by beauty and pleasure that is meant to join you and your significant other for the rest of your lives. Will it really? Marriage doesn’t secure happiness or commitment, and it certainly isn’t very important.

For some reason, many believe that the solution to a rocky relationship is marriage. In a strange, miraculous way, they think that legally being together forever will solve all of their problems. If anything, it will make their relationship worse. All they’ll have is honeymoon fever and once they get over that they’ll get divorce depression. Why jump into a marriage you’re not sure of just for that fleeting happiness?

Similarly, marriage doesn’t insure commitment. Yes, rings are sweet and symbolic, but an expensive band around your finger doesn’t mean your significant other will stay committed. The same goes for your vows and legal papers. A signed paper and ring won’t stop a spouse from falling out of love or cheating on his or her significant other.

Marriage isn’t even a necessary life step for a couple wishing to devote themselves completely to one another. Having a lavish wedding and documents isn’t necessary to be with the love of your life forever. An unmarried couple with a child is just as much of a family as a married couple with kids. It’s possible to dedicate your life to another without the glitz and glam of a ceremony and rings. Matrimony used to be a religious or traditional union that the forbidden concept of divorce would never rupture, yet it is now celebrated frequently and irreligiously. Marriage has turned into a commercial unison.

Overall, marriage is a beautiful aspect of life, but it doesn’t secure happiness or commitment, and it isn’t necessarily important. Personal bonds and dedication are more meaningful than the commercial idea of marriage.

By Jamie Randene