Tuskan Times February 2014 | Page 13

How to Get Into College 100% For Sure

By Kirsten Ranheim

1.Q: If you are an international applicant, and are a citizen of a foreign nation, do you have a Visa or will you need help applying for one?

A: I already have a Visa card, and there is no transaction fee when I use it abroad so Iā€™m already prepared.

2.Q: What extracurricular activities are you very passionate about?

A: Last week I decided to join the community service club at my school because I am a VERY passionate person and want to share this love I have inside me with as many beautiful people on the face of this wonderful Earth as possible.

3.Q: What type of program will you complete during high school?

A: The International Bachelorette Program

4.Q: Why do you want to attend this university?

A: I am very excited to go to a college that has frat parties nearly every night, and I really love that the dining halls are open 24/7. It seems like a great community atmosphere.

5.Feel free to also include any of the following as well:

a.Using pretentious words and misspelling all of them

i.Matriculation ā€“ matriquelation

ii.College ā€“ collage

iii.Subsist ā€“ subcyst

iv.And any other terminology you did not have the time to spellcheck, but totes knew so admissions will be quite impressed

b.Opt out of the SAT and ACT because you feel it goes against your religion, and it should count as child cruelty

c.Mention programs not offered at that school, or just go the full nine yards and mention a different school by name