Tuskan Times Christmas 2013 | Page 7

A matter of dignity and hidden power?

Lydia Breckon

Last issue I discussed my feelings and views towards the ban of burkas that is being proposed in Britain. While I was reflecting on these thoughts I came to the conclusion that an argument like this cannot just have one side analysed and if I want to have a well formulated opinion, I would have to look into to positive aspects that associated with the wearing of a burka.

Though there is evidence to suggest that some women are forced to wear the burka, this is not always the case. Many Islamic women have been reported to state that wearing a burka does not oppress them and their equality but, in fact, quite the opposite. Wearing a burka allows them to not feel judged about their appearance in public and that they are now free from unwanted male attention. Wearing the burka apparently allowed for a more special intimate bond when married. It was also stated that many Muslims wear burkas to show a united front against the hate that Islam has been known to generate.

In Western society, Burkas no longer create the same negativity that they have in the past. Burka Avenger is web series created by Unicorn Black that promotes a positive message to its viewers not only about Islamic culture but women on a whole. Though there is only one episode so far that has been subbed into English, Burka Avenger, ‘a fighter against ignorance’, promotes an acceptance of different cultures all while showing how a burka does not take away from a woman’s power and what she can achieve.

Though this does shed light on the right for women to be allowed to dress the way they want to, it does bring up a rather Atwood-esque proposal: the freedom from something has greater value than the freedom to do something. While I do believe that I am now more on the fence about where I stand regarding banning burkas, equality, and how we determine it, is a concept that still must be much debated and certainly must not be ignored.