Tuskan Times Christmas 2013 | Page 6

Fast Food Is Dead Food

The reasons why you shouldn’t go for that second cheese burger

Shifra Steinberg

Most people today are aware that fast food is not the healthiest of foods to eat, yet we still consume it on a regular basis. It is pretty doubtful that a person would sit through a drive-thru line to order a well balanced meal, full of nutrients and fibers. People are waiting in that drive-thru line to compromise their health for convenience, which, at the time, seems like a reasonable trade.

However, on the long run, it really isn’t. These foods are enzymes, nutrient and energy dead, meaning that you will use up far more of your own digestive enzymes to process this food. This is exactly why fast food equals dead food and the more dead foods we consume, the faster we end up dead ourselves. We truly are what we eat. Wonder why you are still hungry after every fast food meal? This is exactly why. Each Big Mac is so nutrient dead, that your body reacts almost in a way as if to say that you have consumed nothing at all. Couldn’t you easily go for a second cheese burger? Little does your body seem to register that, in fact, you have just consumed over 50% of your daily food in take in one meal.

This is why eating foods high in natural enzymes, meaning raw, fresh, and minimally processed can go a long way to not only aid in digestion, but can even help boost the immune system. When enzymes are not busy digesting our last meal, they travel around the body dissolving tumors and killing bacteria, and strengthening our entire system.

Without a doubt, the modern world embodies a rushed existence. Our attention spans are short. Our time becomes increasingly precious. We look for any shortcuts to get more out of each day. After reading all this, and feeling slightly guilty I’m assuming, you might wonder how you can combine a healthy diet into your busy lives. So, eating junk food almost seems like the logical way to go. However, we need to realize that anything that we put into our mouths is the fuel for our bodies. Eating fast food is almost like pouring sand into the gas tank of your car. You will get nowhere. However, unlike using sand instead of fuel, the affects take longer to become noticeable. Those who survive almost exclusively on a junk food diet may appear to be fine, yet the real harm is taking place inside the body. Even those who are not drastically overweight can still be eating themselves to death.

Every time you enter a fast food restaurant, you exit a little unhealthier, and a little less attractive. Now ask yourself this: is that juicy Big Mac still worth it?