GOVERNANCE & MANAGEMENT Page 47 Nov / Dec , 2022 | TimeSharing Today
Staffing : The perfect storm
By R . Scott MacGregor
Timeshare has always been a niche filled with innovative thinkers and specialized professionals .
As the labor market tightened , recruiting became even more challenging . Seasoned , talented timeshare professionals — those who know and love timeshare , and have it in their DNA — are becoming rarer these days . Many are winding down their careers and looking to their next chapter .
COVID-19 , the “ great resignation ,” and now “ quiet quitting ” ( taking a step down from climbing the corporate ladder ) have triggered early retirements and reduced the number of jobseekers .
The struggles that all timeshare resorts and hospitality companies have to find housekeepers and skilled labor cannot be understated . The pandemic crippled the seasonal hiring of imported labor and fundamentally changed the costs to recruit and retain resort team members . It ’ s the perfect storm .
This is the time to Reimagine Resorts™ , and also to reimagine your resort ’ s human-resources practices with an emphasis on rewards and retention . The same innovative thinking that spawned the timeshare industry and keeps it evolving is needed to figure out how to get ahead of the HR curve .
Put the human back into HR
Lemonjuice Capital and Solutions addresses the challenges of recruiting qualified staff by rethinking human resources . Recently I was in a conversation with a colleague about hiring . He remarked that a certain longer-term employee who was once considered middling was now considered stellar .
The statement caused me to pause .
He seemed to acquiesce to the belief that he had to accept mediocrity instead of seeing the worker in a different light and as a promising team member — a valued asset . Could a little more investment in the human part of HR be an answer to turning an under-achieving team member into a good or even great team member ?
The paradigm has shifted and now entails investing more in workers , not just through training , education , coaching , and mentoring , but also through providing healthcare benefits that support mental health and advance emotional intelligence . Workforce mentorship , learning , and training is a critical component to a legacy resort ’ s stability . For all resorts and organizations , large and small , it ’ s an absolute requirement that the workplace be inviting , engaging , and fulfilling .
Starting wages for most positions www . timesharingtoday . com to start or renew memberships .