Tell me what you think:
"What is standing in your way of success?"
1 . Lack of clear goals
2. Procrastination and Laziness
3. Time Management
4. Fear
5. Change Management
6. Believing in yourself
Success is defined as accomplishing an aim or a
purpose. Why are some people so successful
while others are so unsuccessful? Is it out of
good luck or achievement? Different people
have achieved success differently. We shall
identify why some people are stagnating as
compared to their successful counterparts.
Imagine a game of football being played without
goal posts. The players would just be kicking
the ball for ninety minutes without aiming at any
goal. That is the same thing that happens in our
lives if we do not have clear goals. You wake up
in the morning and by the time you are going to
bed, you are so tired but in essence you have
achieved nothing simply because you had not
set goals for that day.
Without goals, you are not in control of your life.
One should set short term goals, medium term
goals and long term goals. Without clear goals
you cannot achieve anything. There many
people in their 50s and 60s, who were once
employed and when they retired, they had
nothing to show for it. This is simply because
they did not have goals and all they did was
report to work in the morning and go home in the
evening, and years passed by and now all they
have are regrets. On the contrary, I have met
some very young people with very clear goals.
They know what they want to be upon complain-
-ing their studies and they are working around
the clock to achieve their goals. You have to
create your goals in the mind before you can
put them to physical test. Goals can help you
achieve and become all that you can be. They
also make you identify your potential and your
purpose in life. Go ahead now and set your
Procrastination is the act of postponing
something. It is a big enemy of success. . For
example a person may be in a position to buy
land but they may keep postponing and by the
time they have purposed to do it, the land may