#TruthSeekers N. 13 #TruthSeekers N. 13 | Page 5

I’ve had miscarriages also. Doctors told me BEFORE I had an abortion. It isn’t punishment from the lord, I had a baby right after perfectly healthy and fine I DID TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and I need to focus on that responsibility and give him his fair share of time and attention. If I’m not ready for another baby that’s not because I’m being unfair to the child but because it would be best for the child unborn to get the time and attention and love it really deserves if I can’t provide that or the things it needs and still bring it into this world it isn’t any better. Angelo S.: Well said Simone Henton Andrew M.: I will say this! Men! You know what can happen and does happen when you engage in sex ! So protect yourself! Or just abstain all together! Not that difficult! Natalia G.: Arthur A. C. Men always and only think about sex that’s what you think how it works , why because you’re an idiotic basic close minded unintelligent man ! ! How do I know this? Very much no woman would think the man coming over for lunch or dinner is for sex that’s what the man expects and thinks! Woman would very much think it is for a normal date unless they actually had the intentions for otherwise but you can’t read minds nor peoples intentions by assuming right? Exactly ! ! ! ! ! ! There are plenty of contraceptives name them all and how effective most are, you don’t know that already do you? Ive had 4 certified doctors from planned parenthood tell me most are hardly guarantee and even with a condom that can break ☺ ! ☺ ! Abortions alone cost $500–$1 200 I think that’s enough knowledge to be cautious you think every time it accidentally occurs woman can take that route so easily? Most medial insurances don’t cover this by the way so don’t come at me again with your close minded bull shit ! ! You don’t compare unless your actually one. That’s like me saying why do men get vesectomies because they’re being selfish and just wanna fuck around without any worries that’s a sin Never said I enjoyed abortion or do I think 1 00% of the woman who do it enjoy it you sick twist minded fuck that just clarified you truly are uneducated and idiotic on this subject please leave ! ! ! ☺ ! Natalia G.: REAL MEN don’t always point fingers and blame the woman. Only boys do that is all I will say. TAKES TWO TO TANGO ! ! Natalia G.: Arthur A. C. You’re a hypocrite you believe so much in god. As we speak he is looking down on you shaking your head for talking about this how you did. You can’t judge anything only god can judge and he has said that himself. Natalia G.: Arthur A. C. read what you type . Think before you say. He’s looking down on me stand up for the woman who don’t do it intentionally and out of selfishness and hatred. The murderers are the doctors who make $ from it not the woman who suffer the pain physically emotionally and hate themselves after it... Some woman have no heart and yes do it out of convenience but how many of them are like that? Like 4% lmao NO WOMAN WANTS TO DO this and if it comes down to this option it resorted to certain things that created this decision or simply not being ready and being smart. People want to be good parents not just whatever parents, half the time people with multiple children who never had abortions out of this belief suffer giving all their children the same undivided love, attention and care they all individually deserve Simone H.: I'm not judging anyone. I just gave my testimony of what happened to me. What y'all do with your bodies is your choice and this is a free forum ... [to be continued]