#TruthSeekers N. 13 #TruthSeekers N. 13 | Page 4

labort. I am for the terapeutic abortion and it is necessary to do it. Andrew M.: If a woman becomes pregnant through a rape! She should be allowed to abort that child! Eunice S.: Its still murder I feel in Gods eyes He wud want a rape victim to forgive her attacker Jesus died on that cross He died for all mankind I've been raped n hv had my child ... Wow that's the 1 rst time I've admitted that I'm blessed to hv met Jesus Andrew M.: Easy for you to say! Simone H.: I was raped almost strangled to death and kept my child that was conceived from the rape. Natalia G.: I had an abortion today, why? I have a baby already, I’m only 21 and I’m not ready for another child financially. Does that make me a murderer ? I’m not behind bars so obviously not!!! you can’t forget this is America land of the “free” how they call it. Seeing posts like this make me feel sick to my stomache what I had to do, it wasn’t a choice because I would love to have another baby... IF I COULD AND COULD AFFORD IT. I’m barely 21 I’m still a kid myself. You can not judge people and call them these things because your too narrow minded and have certain beliefs. Abortion is when a woman can’t have the baby for certain terms, better than having kids left and right and using welfare and food stamps etc worse! Why make the child suffer in this cold world and especially if you can’t provide what they need? THAT is worse Andrew M.: I am on your side Natalia Simone H.: Well let me tell you what happened to me Natalia G. When I was 1 7 year's old I had two abortions within 6 months apart and 5 year's later when I was able and willing to have a child guess what happened? I lost my baby when I was 6 months along. I gave birth to a dead child. Then I got pregnant again and lost a little boy at 20 weeks all in the same year. You see I laid down and got pregnant and I knew better and because I knew right from wrong and still chose to do the wrong thing by getting a abortion (s) I got seriously convicted by making those choices. It's not the babies fault and they didn't deserve to die! We as adults no better and if we are in relations we should abstain from having sex if we can't take care of the responsibilities. Period! Natalia G.: Arthur A. C. You’re a man that doesn’t know anything about growing a baby inside you to begin with get out of here lol. You aren’t educated on this subject because you don’t even go thru it yourself Natalia G.: Simone Henton Mistakes happen right? They say that for a reason. People have sex because it’s the natural human physical interaction to do. Preventing pregnancy is difficult even with condoms and birth control it can STILL HAPPEN so you mean to tell me if a homeless lady got pregnant who can’t provide for it should still bring the child into the world? The child shouldn’t suffer any problems from the adult. Abortions shouldn’t be taken personal by anyone and for sure the unborn child doesn’t seek it that way. God forgives and knows why we do certain things and choose abortion as the way. Not just because we opened our legs and want to run from responsibilities! That isn’t the matter here and even if it was sorry but isn’t this AMERICA?? we have freedom and our own rights. Trying to rub off our spiritual beliefs and force them down people’s throats is a sin and wrong also! God says we can not judge only he can and everyone is entitled to their own options and choices. That could’ve been many other things