Trusty Servant May 2024 | Page 20

No . 137 The Trusty Servant
OW Tollster
A proud father ( Nigel Hoad ( Coll , 68-73 )) writes :
As a result of his performance last year , James Hoad ( Coll , 05-10 ) was invited to join a number of world class athletes at the Elite start of the London Marathon . He had previously won Cambridge Blues in both cross country and the marathon and fits his training around a full-time job as a reservoir engineer with bp .
His interest in distance running began with Alistair Land , James ’ s Master in College and his infamous nocturnal tolls , supported by Chas McCaw , then College Tutor , and John Brooks .
James runs for Thames Hare and Hounds , whose club vest , fittingly for a Collegeman , shows a black X on a white background !
Late news : James finished 17th overall in a time of 2:16:29 . Is this the second fastest OW marathon ( behind Ben Moreau ’ s ( I , 95-00 ) 2:15:52 ?
OW Sailing
David Anderson ( Coll , 69-74 ) reports on the Old Wykehamist Sailing Club Cowes Rally in April 24 :
Our 2024 Cowes rally started in Hamble Point Marina where six yachts met up with nine current Wykehamists from the school ( six boys and three girls ). The Wykehamist yacht owners were : Peter Bainbridge ( D , 54-59 ); Richard Darley ( K , 67-71 ); David Anderson ( Coll , 69-74 ); Graham Stott ( G , 69-72 ); Ted Cadogan ( F , 83-88 ) and Hamish Macnamara ( F , 86-91 ). Calum Sillars was our race officer on the Saturday . There was a passage race across to Cowes , dinner in The Royal Yacht Squadron and some entertaining racing off Cowes on the Sunday morning . It was a very successful weekend with 27 at dinner .
OW Med Soc News
Dr Pok Tin Tang ( Coll , 06-11 ), Hon Secretary of the OW Medical Society , reports on the Annual Dinner , 25 th November 2023
The OW Med Soc Annual Dinner took place on 25 th November 2023 in the College . The evening began with a fascinating pre-dinner talk by Dr Benoy Shah BSc , MBBS MD FRCP FESC ( E 91-96 ) on his journey as a cardiologist , taking in topics from 1990s Freddie ’ s , to the cutting edge of modern cardiovascular medicine . Dinner followed in College Hall , and was capped off by a speech from the Headmaster and Guest of Honour , Ms Elizabeth Stone outlining her vision for the College , and her reflections on medicine . We were delighted to see many OWs , with faces both familiar and new , and look forward to welcoming even more at our coming events .
Our 2024 Annual Dinner will take place
later in the year . Please keep an eye on your inboxes for updates !
Our club page on the Win Coll Soc website contains details of our activities and is open to all . OWs working in the field of medicine and healthcare ( including medics , dentists , vets , and other allied professionals ) are welcome to join our mailing list by e-mailing owmedsoc @ gmail . com .
Octogenarian Kennyite Lunch Noel Dobbs ( D , 50-55 ) writes :
On 23 rd April 2024 , 15 Kennyites , who joined the House between 1949 and 1954 met in the Edinburgh Room at the Royal Thames Yacht Club for lunch , hosted by Peter Bainbridge ( D , 54-59 ). These lunches started in 2015 following a 60 plus lunch organised by Win Coll Soc the previous year . It was attended by 9 Kennyites , who decided they liked each other enough to want to continue to meet . Inevitably , old age has taken its toll , necessitating some topping-up with younger Kennyites , but our aim is that all were in Hall at the same time . This was the tenth lunch and , interrupted by Covid , they now take place bi-annually .
Judging by the smiling faces , animated conversations and the desire for the lunches to continue , these ancient Kennyites still like each other !
Raymond Freshfield ( 50-55 ): Adrian Fontes ( 52-57 ): Gordon Toland ( 53-58 ): David Durnford-Slater ( 51-55 ): Robert Ballantyne ( 52-57 ): Hugh Murray ( in pink pullover ) ( 51-56 ): Peter Bainbridge ( 54-59 ): Anthony Catterall ( 49-54 ): Andrew Smithers ( 51-55 ): Noel Dobbs ( 50-55 ): Anthony Hulbert ( 53-57 ): Warwick Banks ( 53-56 ). Not in photograph : John Vintcent ( 51-55 ) ( back of head ): James Chilton ( 54-59 ): Peter Stevens ( 53-58 ) ( behind the camera )