Trustnet Magazine 94 April 2023 | Page 68


Long-term care

What is it ? There ’ s no easy way to box around the subject , but all of us will get ill and die at some point . Life expectancy has increased dramatically , but healthy life expectancy has not kept pace . Sometimes the end is quick ( and cheap ), but it is becoming common for illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer ’ s to lead to a slow and expensive decline . An unfortunate side effect of increased longevity is the increasing likelihood of suffering from a degenerative illness . A friend of mine ’ s parents have long-term conditions and spend more than £ 8,000 a month on care . be placed on the amount anyone in England will need to spend on care over their lifetime , including residential and nursing care and support with washing , dressing , eating and taking medication . However , it will not cover food , utilities or accommodation . A financial adviser can help you plan for these expenses .
What can I do about it ? You can take your chances , but when you account for yourself and your partner , there is a significant likelihood that you will need to make some provision for long-term care . From October 2025 , an £ 86,000 cap is expected to
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