Trustnet Magazine 62 May 2020 | Page 25

In focus 48 / 49 [ SECTOR PROFILE ] exposure and owns the WisdomTree Broad Commodities ETC. Because he runs a fund of funds, he can own any listed instrument, but warns the options are more limited for managed and model portfolio services. “There are few platforms that allow clients to access listed securities, such as closed-ended funds and ETFs,” he says. “If you are on a platform that only provides exposure to open-ended funds you will be very limited in your exposure to commodities. This is because what you will end up with is exposure to commodities as equities, such as producers. Therefore you start to unwind the benefits of risk, return and correlation.” Angell agrees, noting the returns of open-ended commodity funds will vary significantly from the underlying commodity prices. For example, while the BlackRock Gold & General fund and a gold ETC are both up about 15 per cent in the first four months of the year, “the journey has been very different for the two strategies”. “If you are on a platform that only provides exposure to open-ended funds you will be very limited in your exposure to commodities” “Exchange traded products give access to the futures market, which is fine if you want to have more of a trader’s mentality and are expecting fairly short-term price moves” James de Bunsen, multi-asset portfolio manager at Janus Henderson, only holds gold and a long/short commodity futures strategy in his funds. He argues that beyond precious metals, commodities are “troublesome” to access in an efficient way. “Exchange traded products give access to the futures market, which is fine if you have more of a trader’s mentality and are expecting shortterm price moves,” he says. “However, they are not great for longer-term holding periods due to the inherent ‘roll’ costs of selling the front month future and rolling into the next contract.” De Bunsen also stresses it is difficult to make money in commodities unless there is a persistent bull market in which price rises overwhelm costs. He says the dearth of commodity hedge funds today is TRUSTNET