Trustnet Magazine 62 May 2020 | Page 24

In focus 46 / 47 [ SECTOR PROFILE ] Gold standard Given that gold performs so differently to other commodities, John Husselbee, head of multi asset at Liontrust, treats it as a separate asset class altogether. He separates alternatives into four categories – property, absolute return, hedge funds and commodities – yet gold does not sit in the latter. “For me, gold sits in the hedge funds category,” he says. “Hedge funds can hedge things to produce different types of growth, to protect capital, to produce a different type of income and to hedge against inflation and “Given where we are in the interest rate cycle, with inflation set to rise and negative yields across the globe, now may be a good time to add gold” currencies. This is where gold sits. Given where we are in the interest rate cycle, with inflation set to rise and negative yields across the globe, now may be a good time to add gold.” When it comes to more general commodities, Husselbee says the asset Source: FE Analytics PERFORMANCE OF FUND VS INDEX IN 2020 S&P GSCI Gold Spot (17.62%) BlackRock Gold & General (14.11%) 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% Jan20 Feb Mar Apr Source: FE Analytics PERFORMANCE OF SECTOR VS INDEX OVER 20YRS IT Commodities & Natural Resources (214.36%) MSCI World (193.39%) 800% 700% 600% 500% 400% 300% 200% 100% 0% -100% Jan00 Jan02 Jan04 Jan06 Jan08 Jan10 Jan12 Jan14 Jan16 Jan18 “The question is, are you brave enough to throw all your eggs in one basket and back the energy and oil trade, or will you be diversified and go for the basket of commodities?” class tends to feature in his multi-asset funds at the higher end of the risk profiles, with exposure limited to no more than 5 per cent. However, having been underweight going into the recent crisis, he is now looking to move this position to a more neutral stance. “As an asset class per se, we believe commodities have a return, risk and correlation profile that is attractive in a multi-asset portfolio,” he says. “Clearly, when you have the demand and supply shocks that we have seen recently, it is not good for commodities in the short term; however it has made them very cheap. The question is, are you brave enough to throw all your eggs in one basket and back the energy and oil trade, or will you be diversified and go for the basket of commodities?” Husselbee has gone down the basket route for his commodities TRUSTNET