Trust Talk Magazine Spring/Summer 2020 (Austin) | Page 8

Traditionalists Business Focus LOYAL | HARD-WORKING | CONFORMIST 2% Quality of the US workforce are Traditionalists Welcomed Benefits Traditionalists are the LAST GENERATION BO RN BE T W E E N 1928 & 1946 to likely spend an entire career at one company. Myth Traditionalists are “fossilized” and incapable of adapting to the modern workplace. Reality Although most are retired, Traditionalists still make up around 2% of the workforce. You can find Traditionalists either in high positions of power after decades in the workforce or in part-time positions to keep busy after retirement or supplement their retirement income. Working Traditionalists are usually considered to be “behind the times” and closed off to new tools or ideas. In reality, however, they have adapted to more iterations of workplace technology than any other generation. From typewriters to floppy disks to the cloud, Traditionalists have seen different tools come and go. While they may not be the most tech-savvy generation, they’re still adaptable. And what some may lack in the technology department, they often make up for with sharp one-on-one interpersonal skills. 6 SPRING / SUMMER 2020 Long-Term Care Insurance Catch-up retirement funding Who They Are Traditionalists are known for their loyalty to their employer, many of whom have stayed with the same employer throughout their entire career. They exemplify the motto “an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work.” They see their long-term careers as more of an obligation than an exciting adventure. How They Work Having lived through the Great Depression and World War II eras, Traditionalists are known for their dedication and resilience. Traditionalists work hard in the face of adversity and expect the same of others. They also tend to respect authority and are good team players. What They Value Traditionalists want to be valued and respected for their experience at work. Milestone recognition, for example, means a lot to them, especially if it’s done without fanfare. They also value what their organization does and that it is run in an ethical manner. They are open to feedback. How They Like to be Recognized Quiet recognition and feedback.