Trust Talk Magazine - Permian Basin Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 25


After looking at those steps , you might be thinking to yourself : that seems like a lot of work ; is it worth the effort ? Not only is it worth the effort , but businesses have found success implementing it . For it to work , you need to overcome a few obstacles .
Asking the right questions . If you have a system in place you ’ re rethinking , make sure you ’ re asking different questions this time around . This can be difficult when you ’ re used to one way of thinking , but , remember , conventional questions lead to conventional solutions . To find the right answers , you have to ask the right questions . If you ’ re feeling stuck , don ’ t be afraid to brainstorm with others , whether they are fellow business owners or someone else whose opinion you value .
Getting employees on board . Your employees are often the ones who will be implementing these new processes , so it ’ s important they understand and believe in your vision .
Create an open line of communication with your employees . Explain to them why these changes will help the organization , and , in turn , make their jobs easier . Also , listen to any feedback your employees may have ; one of them might have a fantastic idea you can implement !
Fighting the urge to choose the easiest option . While you need to be realistic about what you can and cannot implement , you also don ’ t want to sell yourself short by choosing whatever idea is easiest . The goal is to choose the idea that will make the biggest , most positive impact .
Actively work toward getting everyone on board and implementing design thinking in the way that works for you . With the help of design thinking , you can bridge the gap between what you think your customer needs and what they actually need .