Trust Talk Magazine - Permian Basin Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 24

After gathering all the information , you will want to use the results to figure out what is working for your clients and what is not . Organize your results and see if there was repeat feedback . You can even create a Venn diagram with what improvements you would like to see , what consumers would like to see and if there ’ s any overlapping results in the middle . Having this information will allow you to innovate and come up with new ideas on how to elevate your business .
This stage of design thinking allows you and your team to brainstorm without limits ; do not worry if ideas are feasible or not – that step will come later . You want to let your creativity flow and come up with as many different possibilities as possible . Build upon your own ideas , as well as the ideas of your staff . Through this collaboration , you may be introduced to concepts you would not have thought of on your own .
This phase of design thinking goes hand in hand with prototyping but delves deeper . Now that you have thought about which changes work best for you and your business , think again about whether it really does benefit your customers . Return to the data and customer feedback ; while you may have come back with some great ideas , at the end of the day , they may not all benefit the people that matter most .
Finally , you can put your ideas into effect . This is the most important step in the process , because , while thinking of new ideas is important , they mean nothing if they cannot be experienced . And remember , just because you decide to make a change does not mean that you are stuck with this idea forever . There may be some trial and error , as there always is with new ideas , so don ’ t be too hard on yourself or your staff as your work to improve your business .
Now is the time to figure out which of your ideas can be successful . Start by figuring out which are possible and then categorize them by importance and ease of implementation . Think about which are most important and can make the biggest impact . Only you can decide how much time and effort you are willing to dedicate to making these changes , so make sure you approach this step realistically . Be honest with yourself about what you are willing and capable of doing . It ’ s OK to put ideas in the virtual parking lot and come back to them at another time .
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While these steps exist to lead you in the right direction , consider them a guide to a new way of thinking , rather than a rulebook . Design thinking is a non-linear process , so do not worry about going in any sort of sequential order . Design thinking can help those who tend to think in a structured manner let their creativity run wild . Not strictly following rules is part of that . What matters in the end is what works best for you and your team .