True Beauty 1 | Page 7


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Talking to others is good, but make sure you listen to what they are saying. Its so they know they are heard and you value their opions and what they are saying. Sometimes, people just need someone to listen.

6) Be helpful

Helping others is a beautiful thing. It will amke the other person feel good, and it will also make you feel good for doing a good deed.

7) Be optimistic

Don't be neagtive, be encouraging! Cheer and support others, and in return they will help you out in a tough time.

8) Be fun

Have some fun! Nobody likes hanging out with someone boring. Enjoy yourself.

9) Have manners

This one might seem obvious, but it is still important.

10) Be patiencent

Don't rush others. Let them take their time.

Now you are stunningly Beautiful!