True Beauty 1 | Page 6

1) Being knd and friendly

People like to be around nice people a lot more then being around mean people. Be kind to others, and others will be kind to you.

2) Be intellegent

This doesn't mean that you need to be the best at math. It means you should always be thinking. Thinking about others, and how they are feeling and how you are feeling. Making the right decisions. It also means that people generally would rather listen to someone intellegent then someone boring.

3) Be confident

Accerpting who you are and being comfortable with the way you are, and knowing that you can do whatever you set your mind to.

4) Be Honest

Telling lies is not attractive. No one likes it when someone isn't telling the truth. And it will always come back to haunt you in the end. Being honest and telling the truth is a beautiful thing.

5) Listen


justo Fusce