What inspires you?

A lot of things inspire me, music, books, movies, genuine people, experiences. I’m inspired by the little things. I try to take as much as I can from different people. Like I have learnt strength from my mum, financial literacy and how to save money from my sister, patience from my brother. Just small things from everyone.

Earliest childhood memory?

When I was younger, I would always role play with my sister and act like I was either the one being interviewed or the one interviewing people. I was trying to be like Oprah or something.

What does art mean to you?

Art to me is full deployment. Like a plane about to set off. Just expressing in the most authentic way

What do you like about your writing?

I think my writing is relateable, I think it is a challenging perspective. A spoken word I really like is called, 'a color blind case'. In that one I really go deep into how we say we live in a society that is color blind or is aiming for color blindness and it seems like it’s a pride we have when we are far from the color blind era especially when we still use some words. In fact, if we still have the Indian act, honestly, they should just sit down.

What do you dislike about your writing?

I dislike the fear that comes from me. I’m so raw with my writing and sometimes I don’t want to post what I am writing because I’m also private and I’m afraid that people are really going to know me so I try to keep that wall up

what is your biggest accomplishment?

My biggest accomplishment is growth. To me, life is a journey and as far as I am better than yesterday and I remain humble and genuine, I’ve grown so much.