Tropics Magazine #59 Tropics Magazine #59 | Page 33

TROPICS MAN PETER VAZ NUNES “one of the most influential artists” 1. Please introduce yourself to our readers and take us through your daily activities… I am a portrait painter, who lives and works in the centre of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the famous canal area built in the 17th century. Intrigued by the technique of the Dutch masters in that era, I keep the tradition alive by using the technique invented and developed by them as well. The reason I paint portraits is because I am interested in the ‘person’ behind the mask most of us are wearing (Persona means ‘mask’ in Greek). Besides, I find that every individual is good enough and interesting enough to be portayed and seen. The key notion in my life and work is: connection. Connection between the 17th century and now, keeping tradition alive and connection between people. I also give presentations and lectures about traditional painting technique, my drive and my life as an artist. My daily routine consists of going downstairs to my spacious studio to work. I draw, paint, practice, experience with techniques and materials. After lunch I usually devote my time to marketing activities, making appointments, meeting people, physical exercise and writing. 2. How did you welcome the news of your nomination as a TROPICS VOICES Ambassador? Both surprised and honoured, because I had never expected this in the first place and at the same time I felt really privileged to be an ambassador for Tropics Voices magazine. 3. How does becoming an “Influencer” help you impact more lives? Let me put it this way: storytelling is a great way of reaching people and when I, as an influencer, manage to write ‘telling stories’, through my blogs or paintings, somehow, somewhere there will be people picking up my message. Sharing knowledge, experience and views will always impact someone’s life. 4. Which advice would you give someone who would like to follow in your footsteps? I would never advise anyone to ‘follow’ in my footsteps, but, instead, to ‘analyse’ my footsteps and find his/her own path to follow. And: do not be afraid to ask for support. 5. What are your current projects and how can our readers get hold of you? Currently I am working on commissioned portraits and I am preparing my next project as a follow up of my former one: “Background? What background?” (you can read more about this project in my second blog). Moreover, I am starting up a project combining paintings and written material, but this is still in its preliminary phase. Readers can contact me through my website: or mail: [email protected] page 33 | Issue #59