Tropics Magazine #59 Tropics Magazine #59 | Page 32

TROPICS WOMAN What else do you do? Is the question I used to get a lot when I was working on Style Fashion Week Africa. That question came about because my partners had other brands besides Style Fashion Week Africa. I never understood why I had to have another brand. Why couldn’t I just be entirely part of Style Fashion Week Africa? Anyway as time went on my brand developed and naturally progressed on its own. Did I ever think that I will be the Afrikan Princess? Not even once. “Get a brand” they said Afrikan Princess came about in an unlikely way. I would meet people and they would say that I fit anyway in Africa and when I started travelling the locals would assume that I was from that particular place. Out of nowhere people started a ddressing me as Princess and I really loved the hospitality I received. Afrikan Princess was officially born and I started embracing it. Prior to the birth of Afrikan Princess I had trouble naming and branding my blog which back then was just my name and surname. Afrikan Princess gave me the guidance for my blog and I started fully embracing my undying love for Africa and my blog is one of the ways I choose t show love to Africa. What I love about this journey is that I never forced it, it just happened the way it wanted to. I guess what I am trying to get to is that some people realize their purpose in life quite early while for others it takes longer. The most important page 32 | Issue #59 thing is to respect the process and be patient and you will get what is yours. In this world of ours it is very easy to feel like you are not doing enough compared to your peers. But what we often overlook or not consider is that we have very different journeys. There is a time in my life when everything was going wrong to a point where I was depressed. You see I always had a plan set out that when I finish high school I was going to go to University, finish my degrees and do articles and then Ta da... I would be a chartered accountant. But, things didn’t quite work that way. I struggled in my first year at University of Watersrand. The transition was not smooth at all. So since things had not gone according to plan I had to let them unfold as they wished. I started listening to my creative side that I had suppressed for too long. I started creating, started living through people’s creations and I started fully loving myself and letting all parts of me show. Not limiting myself has landed me here. It has landed me to all the awesome opportunities thus far including this particular platform writing as a Tropics Voices Ambassador. If I had to go back in time and do it all over again, I would not change a single thing because everything I went through has made me this strong woman that I am today. I am proud of the royal in me that never thought will get this much love from Africa and beyond. Although the Afrikan Princess was never into being a brand but through being me I have become a brand. Not the brand that everyone around me had in mind but I love the young woman I have grown into.