Trooper Newspaper August 2013 | Page 11
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August 2013
Our Purpose is Progress
Our Goal is Excellence
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Page 11
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Celebrate Financial Independence
Generations of Americans have sought financial independence through both economic highs and lows. As we celebrate Independence Day this month, take time to celebrate the freedoms our democracy offers and also reflect on what you can do to help ensure long-term financial stability for yourself and your family. Consider the following ideas and actions:
NC, NJ, OH and FL. pared. Optimism is a clasoverwhelming, consider Brokerage, investment and finansic American trait, but don’t consulting a financial advicial advisory services are made let this otherwise positive sor. He or she can provide available through Ameriprise © 2013 Ameriprise Financial, characteristic cloud your guidance on saving for Financial Services, Inc. Member Inc. All rights reserved. judgment. Have you conretirement, funding your sidered what may happen if child’s education or working you faced a sudden job toward any other financial ! " ! loss, long-term illness, natgoal that’s important to ural disaster or other unexyou. $ - (""( 1#( 3$5$ 12' .! "*$1, pected event? Review your insurance coverage (includAs Americans, we share ing life, health, disability, certain unalienable rights – property, auto and longlife, liberty and the pursuit of term care policies) and happiness. While the last of ! • Be true to yourself. While a ensure you and your family those means something differcompetitive personality are properly protected. It’s ent to everyone, planning )/3/ ! 4#-*33&% may help you get ahead in also a good idea to have ahead and establishing finan! 1//0&1 1&.%". //,&: "-0%&. "1*" some areas of your enough liquid assets cial independence can play an ! 41+& &5&,/0-&.3 life, no /,8/+& /82 *1,2 ,4#avail''*$&1 1//0&1 *$)"&, 4$+&1 one wins when you try to able to cover six months important role in helping your 01*.('*&,% *,&&. "5"."4() worth of expenses. Though 1//0&1 &5*. 7&$43*5& *1&$3/1 //,&: keep up with “the Jones’.” goals and dreams become a "&9 !&23 ".% "1*" understand : It’s important to it’s not fun to temporarily reality. your own financial circumsquelch your optimism, stances and resist the urge most people feel more conThis article is provided by to match the lifestyle of fident about*$)"&, 4$+&1 ".% 1&.%". the future once Maria Dell’Ovo, CRPC, a . "1$) 1//0&12 &5*. //,& //,&:2/,% those around you. they know they’re financial- Platinum Financial Advisor ,/.( 2,&&5& )*132 3/ $/--&-/1"3& 3)& "22"$)42&332 3"3& /,*$& -"1$)*.( *. 3)& Expensive lifestyles that ly prepared for a variety of with Ameriprise Financial. She "*.3 "31*$+ 2 "8success *.: /,8/+& "22"$)42&332 : 01/'*3 /' 1&24,3&% '1/indicate financial "1"%& scenarios. specializes in fee-based finan3)&may simply be a façade for 2",&2 /' 3)&2& ,/.(:2,&&5& )*132 : . &$&-#&1 '1/- 3)& mancial planning and asset )*13 2",&2 6"2 %/."3&%:3/ 3)& /,8/+&Control ".% debt. ,4# : $$/1%*.( 3/ and has been in /82 your *1,2 big spenders. Instead of • agement *,&&. "5"."4() 7&$43*5& lead, consid)& %/."3*/. years. If )"5& 3)&following their *1&$3/1 /' 3)& /,8/+&: /82 on consumer,4# practice for 18$/4,% ./3 you Payments ".% *1,2 er "3 " #&33&1 long-term would $)*,%1&. *. .&&% /' $/-&your budget, 3*-& /' 3)& 8&"1 :debt, student loans, and 3 6*,, #& 043 3/6"1% '"-*,*&2:6*3) like to schedule a com## &( "!* % ! ) '! *+( &&" goals and personal values excessive *,&&. "5"."4()plimentary3)& 31//0&12 please "22*23".$& %41*.( 3)& )1*23-"2 2&"2/. : car or mortgage 3)".+&% consultation, ".% payments /,*$& .*/.:'/1 call Maria at /,8/+& /82 " * -!* * * (#!% #!%*&% 3)&when making important -&-#&12 /' 3)& "22"$)42&332 3"3& can cripple your 3)*.+*.( /' 3)& 978.378.3391 or # )) * % &% $!# % , /( &% * (! * financial decisions. Pursue ability to save and make’[email protected]. ".% *1,2 ,4# : ' % .*!# ' $ * '$ your own happiness within 3/ 3)& /,8/+& you’ll ".% *1,2 ,4# 3)& 1&-"*.%&1 /' 3)& you feel like /82 be finan. "%%*3*/. 3/ 3)& %/."3*/. ### your means and the real cially dependent for eterni'4.%2 6"2 %/."3&% /. &$&-#&1 :3/ 1//0&1 Maria is licensed/registered to do *$)"&, *,&8 2 "-*,8 '1/prize – a secure financial ty. Though the best 1//0 : 1//0&1 *,&8 *2 business with U.S. residents future – will likely follow. $411&.3,8 #"33,*.( $".$&1 : &23 6*2)&2 3/ 3)& *,&8 '"-*,8 : only approach is to minimize in the states of MA, RI, CT, DC, how much you borrow, take • Pay yourself first. This control by establishing a probably isn’t the first time plan that will systematically you’ve heard the advice to reduce the outstanding balCOME JOIN THIS 3rd ANNUAL CHARITY CYCLING EVENT i North Andover, MA d in h d “pay yourself first.” This ance on any existing loans. guidance is relevant Another bonus to staying through all economic ciron top of debt repayment is cumstances and life an improved credit rating, stages. Explore and take which may allow you to advantage of every opporaccess loans when opportunity you have to fund tunities that could benefit your savings with minimal your financial position effort. Automatically invest arise, like a small business a portion of every paycheck venture or low interest into your r