Fit for Golf : A series that includes both golf and fitness , designed to help a member understand their golf swing better and how they can improve through training your body ’ s mobility and stability . Six half-hour golf sessions .
Fit for Speed : A two-part program that includes a golf instruction session and a fitness instruction session focusing on the fitness needed and methods involved for generating more power and speed in a golf swing . Participants will receive a fitness protocol and video recap on methods and ways to develop and increase club head speed .
Green Reading : A one hour clinic focusing on all about green reading . Practical methods are introduced , as well as an introduction to the “ plumb-bob ” and “ Aimpoint .”
Masters Class : A six-week program specifically designed for the player looking to focus on the parts of their game that have the biggest effect on their score . The program focuses on “ scoring clubs ” which include the putter , wedges , and driver .
Mental Side of the Game : A complimentary one-hour seminar about golf performance and a discussion on the mental and emotional side of the game . Attendees will learn more about real strategies and methods for optimizing their enjoyment and performance on the golf course .
Pace your putts : A one-hour clinic that will give the members a system for controlling their pace on any putting surface . Putting on faster greens can be challenging and controlling your pace , or distance , must improve as well .
Perfect your practice : A one-hour clinic that will show attendees how to improve their game through better practice . Learn how to train your swing , develop skill , and be able to transfer your range swing to the course .
Playing from the Rough : A one-hour clinic all about playing from the rough . The clinic covers not only how to play longer shots from the deeper grass , but also the shorter shots from around the green .
Practice with a teaching Pro : A six-week program that will teach attendees to become a better player through their practice and enhance their results on the golf course .
The Scoring Zone : A four-week program that will focus on improving attendees ’ performance both on and off the green , getting their wedge shots closer to the hole from off the green , and reducing the number of putts per round .
Secrets of the Short Game , Green-side Wedges : A one-hour clinic for members who are struggling to get their ball closer to the hole from just off the green . Attendees will learn some “ secrets ” on improving their score from green-side locations and focus on improving their short wedge shots from around the green .
Think Better , Feel Better , Play Better : A one-hour clinic that will focus on how members prepare and react to their performance on the golf course through a Pre-shot and Post-shot routine . Attendees will learn more about the steps they can take to prepare for each shot and how to react to the results in a way which will promote future success in their game .