Michael Estrada , Marshall ’ 79 , died June 1 , 2021 , while on vacation in Alaska . He was 65 . He was a lawyer at Richards , Watson & Gershon . As an alumnus , he took an interest in UC San Diego ’ s Alternative Breaks program , in which students spend holiday breaks doing community service projects at home and abroad . Estrada joined the group on a service project in West Virginia and later established the Michael Estrada Alternative Breaks Scholarship Endowment to help more students participate in the program . Read more at : tritonmag . com / alternativebreaks
Timothy Bryson , Muir ’ 75 , died July 7 , 2021 . He was 69 . He was a lawyer who specialized in bankruptcy , immigration and probate . He was passionate about politics and ran for mayor of National City in 1994 . He is survived by his five children and extended family .
Theodore Enns , PhD ’ 90 , died September 4 , 2021 , from pancreatic cancer . He was 75 . He taught mathematics at San Diego Mesa College , where it is said he taught almost every course in mathematics that the college offered . He is survived by his sister and extended family .
Eric Eyring , MA ’ 78 , died September 8 , 2021 , in Houston , Texas . He was 70 .
Lawrence Friedman died June 21 , 2021 . He was 69 . He was a professor of pediatrics and medicine at UC San Diego and served as the associate dean for clinical affairs since 2014 .
Gordon Gill , professor emeritus , died October 2 , 2021 . He was 83 . A member of the UC San Diego faculty since 1969 , he served as dean of science , dean of translational medicine , director of the College of Integrative Life Sciences , chief of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism , and chair of the faculty of Basic Biomedical Sciences . He is survived by his wife , children and extended family .
Alan Hofmann , professor emeritus , died September 7 , 2021 . He was 90 . He joined UC San Diego in 1977 and established a laboratory that blended chemistry and biology . He is survived by his wife , daughters and extended family .
Oliver Jones , professor , died August 10 , 2021 . He was 89 . He was recruited to UC San Diego in 1968 to start a medical genetics program at the School of Medicine . He remained at UC San Diego until his retirement in 1998 . He is survived by his wife of 66 years , Paula , as well as their children and grandchildren .
Arnold William Mantyla , MS ’ 70 , died July 22 , 2021 , following complications from surgery . He was 84 . He started work at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in 1959 before earning a master ’ s degree in oceanography in 1970 . He spent his entire career at Scripps , officially retiring in 1995 but continuing as an emeritus researcher until 2009 .
Kevin McCook , Muir ’ 04 , died June 17 , 2021 , following a four-year battle with cancer . He was 40 . He worked for Shea Properties in real estate development . He is survived by his wife , April , three sons and extended family .
Samuel Nummela , PhD ’ 10 , died July 5 , 2021 . He was 40 .
Kevin Oland , MPIA ’ 12 , died October 19 , 2021 . He was 34 .
Andrew Perez , Warren ’ 15 , died July 25 , 2021 . He was 31 . He was an early investor in Bitcoin and started several businesses before graduating from UC San Diego .
Robert Rios , Muir ‘ 91 , died July 2 , 2021 , surrounded by family and friends . He was 56 . He was a lifelong San Diegan and made his home in El Cajon . Before his illness , he worked at Linsco Private Ledger Financial for more than 23 years . He is survived by his wife , sons and extended family .
Peter Remedios , Warren ’ 78 , MD ’ 82 , died July 1 , 2021 . He was 64 . He was a board-certified body interventional radiologist and partner with Inland Imaging in Seattle , Wash . He is survived by his wife , brother , nephews and extended family .
Charles Senger , PhD ’ 91 , died November 13 , 2021 . He was 84 . A passionate activist , he was a central figure in UC San Diego ’ s New Indicator Collective and Groundwork Books Collective .
Harold Skelly , Revelle ’ 73 , ’ 89 , died October 3 , 2021 . He was 97 years old .
Alexis Steele , MAS ’ 15 , died September 9 , 2021 . She was 35 .