FAMILY CHEER : Tritons were excited to share their family photos , including former UC San Diego cheerleader , Jennifer Waugh , Revelle ’ 94 . “ Being a part of the cheer team , and attending all the games , helped me find community on campus ,” she says . Her daughter , current Revelle college student Mary Waugh , continues the family tradition , cheering for the UC San Diego Tritons .
Sally T . WongAvery , Revelle , is
From new careers to new children and grandchildren , keep up with fellow Tritons and send your own update to classnotes @ ucsd . edu or visit tritonmag . com / classnotes
50th REUNION It ’ s coming up at Homecoming 2022 this October ! To learn more and take part , email alumni @ ucsd . edu
Peter McGough , Revelle , retired from the University of Washington medical system where he had been medical director of their primary care clinics for 17 years .
donating $ 10 million through the Avery-Tsui Foundation to support East Asian collections , research and scholarly activities at the UC San Diego Library . In recognition of this significant philanthropic gift , UC San Diego will rename its existing Biomedical Library the Sally T . WongAvery Library , to be commonly known as the WongAvery Library .
Rex Pickett , Muir , author of the bestselling novel , Sideways , wrote The Archivist , a novel set at a university much like UC San Diego . Read more on p . 52 .
45th REUNION It ’ s coming up at Homecoming 2022 this October ! To learn more and take part , email alumni @ ucsd . edu
Paul Dresman , PhD , was recognized with the poetry award at the 2020 San Miguel Writers ’ Conference for “ A River Running to the Sea ” ( from Slatches , a long poem ).
Robert Hansen , Muir , better known as “ Consumer Bob ” on NBC 7 San Diego , is retiring after 40 years as a journalist .
Ian Domowitz , PhD , wrote Four Laws for the Artificially Intelligent , a combination of stories and science illustrating not only what AI can do for a company , but what it may do to a company .
40th REUNION It ’ s coming up at Homecoming 2022 this October ! To learn more and take part , email alumni @ ucsd . edu