The research conducted shows that 3.8% of the United States population belongs to the LGBTQ community (Gates, 2011). Although studies reveal the percentage of acceptance rate of the LGBTQ community has increased, especially over the last decade, there are still many groups targeting and harming the community. Because of continued intolerance, the LGBTQ community is being negatively affected economically, politically, and socially. This research examines the 60% of LGBTQ community members in US and the physical, verbal, and emotional abuse they face because of their sexual orientation (Subhrajit, 2014).
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community has been abused physically, verbally, and emotionally. Some people view homosexuals as “unnatural” or “sinful”. The unfair and cruel prejudices are not only affecting the LGBTQ community, but all communities are affected by the riots and murders, making society an unsafe environment for adults and children. The early LGBTQ movement started in the mid-1800s with homosexuals wanting to be recognized as a legitimate group. In the 1940s lesbians started to fight for recognition along with the beginning of the Women’s Rights Movement. By the 1960s and 1970s, the bisexual community, along with the transgender community, began to fight for recognition. Homophobes and anti-LGBTQ groups have been and continue to be the two major factors oppressing the LGBTQ community. Although improvements have been made, the LGBTQ community still faces prejudices and negative judgement. Society needs to be aware of the adverse effects caused by homophobic hate activities.
Since there are anti- LGBTQ groups in the United States, there will be more conflict in the community such as unemployment, prejudice, and bullying in schools.
This research is a literature review of how the LGBTQ community is negatively impacted by anti-LGBTQ groups and homophobic people. The community chosen for this topic is the LGBTQ community in United States from the mid-1800s to present day.
Three peered reviewed journals were searched on the topic of discrimination against LGBTQ members in the United States since the mid-1800s. These journals examined the negative impact that anti-LGBTQ groups and homophobic individuals have on the social, economic, political, and emotional lives of LGBTQ community members. Articles were found using the EBSCOhost and ProQuest databases provided by the UTSA library.
Literature surrounding the LGBTQ community explains the different challenges faced by the LGBTQ community . Authors and researchers expose the battles fought through the years and the different laws that have been passed to argue the rights of the LGBT community.
In the article ,“It Gets Better” … But How? Exploring Resilience Development in the Accounts of LGBTQ Adults,” Kenta and Craig (2014) display the struggles faced by LGBTQ members through their childhood. Not fitting in, feeling they did not belong, having thoughts of suicide are all discussed in Kenta and Craig’s article. The article discusses how people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender find themselves hiding and not telling anyone who