Tri Mantra Tri Mantra | Page 49

38 Trimantra all the time, even at the time of your death. Yes, don’t die anywhere else. If you want someone to lean on, lean on them. If you choose any other worldly beings (not Self-realized) there is no telling what will happen! These five encompass the highest of all levels. The Mantra Giver Questioner : Why is it difficult in current times for one to reap the benefits of the mantras? Is the mantra at fault or is the one reciting the mantra at fault? Dadashri : It is not the mantra that is lacking. But the arrangement of the mantra is wrong. Mantras need to be impartial. Mantras that are not impartial will not give any benefits. Mantras of impartiality should be recited together. The mind is looking for that which is impartial, only then will it be at peace. God is impartial. Mantra will only be beneficial if the person giving the mantra is a shilvaan – one who is absolutely non-violent; of powerful moral and spiritual integrity. Such a one does not hurt anyone with his thoughts, speech and acts. The person giving the mantra cannot be an ordinary person. It should be someone who is worshipped by the world; someone who has won people’s hearts. The Great Misunderstanding Of The Navkar Mantra Questioner : Does Navkar mantra help in worldly life? Dadashri : It helps without doubt! It is beneficial. Questioner : Does reciting the mantra purify the soul? Dadashri : But it is not the Soul that needs to be purified. The Soul is already pure. By saying the Navkar mantra, you are reciting the names of highly elevated beings, and that will take you higher, but only if you recite it with understanding. You have to understand the Navkar mantra. If a parrot keeps repeating Rama’s name, does that mean he understands Rama? Does a