Tri Mantra Tri Mantra | Page 48

Trimantra 37 it verbally. A tape record does not benefit when it plays the mantra, but as long as there is a presence of the soul within, whoever recites it, will definitely benefit! Words are the cause for the continued existence of this world. If you utter the words of highly elevated beings, you will be blessed, but if you speak the words of the wrong people, you will encounter difficulties. That is why it is important to understand all this. The Exclusive Goal Of Moksha You can ask me anything and everything. You do want moksha, do you not? Then you may ask me anything regarding your path towards liberation! When your mind has been satisfied then you will take the path to moksha. Otherwise how will you go to moksha? All the scriptures of the Lord are available but you have to acquire the precise understanding of the scriptures. That understanding can never be attained without an experienced person; the Gnani Purush. On the contrary, without a Gnani, you would go astray. Questioner : With what awareness should we recite the Navkar mantra? Dadashree: Recite the mantra with the awareness of liberation as your goal. There should be no other goal. If you keep this as your goal, then you will receive everything. And if you do it for worldly happiness, then you will get only happiness, but not liberation. The Navkar mantra is useful on the path of moksha. It will not liberate you, but it will certainly help. The Navkar mantra is for worldly interactions (vyavahaar), it is not for the Self, it will only lead to the Self ( nischaya). Why should the Navkar mantra be revered? It is because these five Parameshtis – the arihant, the siddha, the acharya, the upaadhyaya, the sadhu, in the five salutations, are the instruments of liberation. Keep this your only goal. Be close to these beings