Trendsetters 2020 | Page 10

> Advocate SEEDS Center keeps growing By Daniel DeMersseman “If you want to buy a book, you go to a library; if you want to buy groceries, you go to a store — but if you want to start a business, where do you go?” asked Jeff Hanson, chair of the Valdosta Area Business Incu- bator advisory board. From the aspiring to the established business owner, entrepreneurs of all kinds can find answers and resources at their local SEEDS Resource Center. SEEDS stands for Sowing Economic Development and Entrepreneur Success In 2004, the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce partnered with Georgia Power to create the SEEDS center. The SEEDS Center connects businesses with other businesses and provides a variety of services, work- shops and classes, chamber officials said. Visitors can learn about everything from how to form a limited liability corporation to where and how to apply for a business license, said Betty Morgan, Val- dosta-Lowndes Chamber of Commerce vice president for business development. “Accountants, lawyers, business owners. We have all those business connections right here,” Morgan said. Along with offering business connections, the SEEDS Resource Center provides access to information from several databases. “I can give you a demographic report for an area of the city. I can tell you how many cars go down a street in a certain hour. If you need a business com- parison, I can tell you how much money a business is spending on advertising so you can know how much you need to spend to compete,” Morgan said. Since 2006, the SEEDS Resource Center has part- nered with local businesses for its annual business plan competition. The competition is a six-month challenge that in- cludes writing a business plan and pitching the plan to a panel of judges. The winner receives a $10,000 check and $20,000 in-kind contributions. 10 Trendsetters | Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce The SEEDS Center connects businesses with other businesses and provides a variety of services, workshops and classes. “Accountants, lawyers, business owners. We have all those business connections right here.”