Trends Winter 2017 | Page 11

BEYOND DOWNTOWN PLANNING O nce a strategic plan is completed, Ayres can assist communities with the implementation of specific projects. This work ranges from creating branding strategies for downtown districts to streetscape design to downtown brownfield redevelopment. Here’s a sampling of this work. Plum City, Wisconsin – Ayres designed the downtown reconstruction of the Village of Plum City’s Main Street. Design and construction engineering services included sanitary sewer, storm sewer, streetscape enhancements, lighting, and sidewalk and roadway. Decorative lighting and stamped and colored concrete were used to enhance the park surrounding the community’s historic trout pond. Brown Deer, Wisconsin – Ayres assisted the Village of Brown Deer with streetscape design for its Original Village area. The aim of the streetscape techniques was to redevelop the area into a premier destination not only for Village residents but also for people in surrounding communities. The streetscape project gave the Village an opportunity to meet the requirements of a Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit by including the design of two detention pond features within the project. Palatka, Florida – This project involves assisting the City of Palatka in conducting outreach services, grant management, environmental site assessment, and redevelopment services. The purpose of the project is to proactively manage brownfield redevelopment planning and efforts, investigate soil and groundwater impacts in project areas, evaluate remedial options, and contribute to community involvement/outreach activities. Princeton, West Virginia – This project involves developing a branding strategy for downtown Princeton, West Virginia, to help the community overcome negative impressions that don’t reflect positive changes that are under way. The strategy includes immersion workshops that will inform the “community character report” upon which brand identity is established. From this character report, logo and marketing recommendations are produced, guiding communications strategies to elevate the overall marketing appeal of the district. │11