Trend and Concepts 1 | Page 13




In relation to Sypathetic Pricing and the Micro trend purposeful Pricing (Easy Taxi) that has taken brazil and various countries like the Phillipines by storm; shows a strong social call to the younger generation.

The need to market and further grow the brand means that they must focus on reaching target groups. Market research shows that Promo and Freelance work are amognst the biggest trends for the younger generation. Appealing to young individuals by offering fun recruitment possibilities such as being invovled team building games, a network of other EASY TAXI recruits and Experts are some of the added social value.



Security can come to the aid of young and old. Consumers of differnt education back grounds no matter what all take part in the Security trend. Whether its buying a smart lock, or setting internet passwords security is a trend found on all levels.

SimilarlySypathetic Pricing is an appeal to all ages, edu levels or the various demographic points. For example special rates are offered on easy taxi to women who are traveling on their own.


In Sympathetic Pricing, when brands claim to care about people and their everyday challenges, or about the shared problems we all face – sustainability, social responsibility, and more – most consumers think they're just saying that.

So companies develope services and products to close those gaps. Easiest example of an ecological factor that triggered a trend under Sympathetic Pricing is pollution. Around the world more and more businesses and people are practicing green methods to promote sustainability. In Japan Panasonic started paying staff in China more as a good will measure for the fact that this location is in the smoggiest and most polluted countries in the world.


By far the biggest trigger for Sympathetic Pricing is the Economy. As mentioned in the trend analysis on the previous page. This trend is aimed around the idea of flexible and affordable prices. High unemployment figures, inflation prices in the market and current norms about disposable income are all triggers to this trends formation aswell.

Likewise, these unemployment and price figures are the cause of alot of crime. Directly influenced by the trend called ''Urban Phycosis'' in which the theory states that high crime is a result of poor economic situations and areas. This rise in crime such are terrorism, robbery, Identity theft and assult are some of the reasons why Security is such a big trend.

In relation to Security social calls triggered by the invasion of Norms and values, religion and lifestyle are some reasons products and services are created much like the Anchor Free, and Telegram. We are all too familiar with the knowledge of websites being blocked in the East Such as Facebook.