Trend and Concepts 1 | Page 12

I Step, You Step, destep!

Though it may sound so DESTEP isn't some dance rave on the market. It's actually a wide-ranged analysis of various macro factors that may be held responsible for invading upon an organization’s operations as well as business. It is also an acronym term for Demographic, Economical, Social, Technological, Ecological and Political analysis.






Achor Free is a internet Privacy and Security app created to relieve the pains that many online users in restricted countries face.; and falls under Purposeful Pricing.

In the terms of Security, Anchor Free has the possibility to side step political boundaries set by government to various networks and websites.

Most Recently large social unrest about mass censorship, ongoin issues in Venezuela led to the App being commissioned and downloaded by majority of the population.

Sympathetic Pricing became appealing to citizens ( in the form of this app) as it solved a political matter. Anchor Free came as an answer to this political issue and aided the upset citizens of venezuela.


The technological factors involved in these two trend are driven by different underlying needs. In the case of Sympathetic Pricing factors such as e-commerce and technological development led to the creation of a location based app that can surpass government internet protocols set in different countries.

Similarly, in the Phillipines the need for female public protection brought on the innovative EASY TAXI; which was used to encourage women to book taxis. This was to promote Security after many women being abused taking undocumented cab rides.