Trend and Concepts 1 | Page 10

Self-Development the in-thing

Basic Needs: Knowledge, accomplishment, feeling of achieving a goal, privacy, flexibility, control,

Drivers of Change: Shifts through –out the years in areas of independence and education have led to people wanting to achieve degrees and certificates that they may have missed out on or not previously privileged to experience. Small triggers due to trends such as quantified self has pushed self-development into new possibilities. In this world technology has boosted every economy and home study courses are no different. Where education lay limited to the walls of a school; technology opened doors to allow individuals to study at their own pace within the comforts and privacy of their own homes.


Emerging Consumer Expectations:

Consumers want everything faster, more efficient, more accessible, more relatable. From simple physical books and online exams, Home study courses have evolved and are being offered in e-books & apps accessible in various forms across a wide array of platforms. ( pc, tablet, mobile). Home courses are even being made possible for children where it was once only marketed for adults who could not attend college/highschool.

Map the



Target Groups: Students, Teachers, entrepreneurs, general public wishing to enhance their mental abilities while engaging in tasks.

‘’ Two types of consumers fueling this trend:

Those for whom mental health is (like physical fitness, career progress, and academic achievements) a new benchmark, yet another area for them to outperform their peers.

Those time-starved, overworked, stressed and anxiety-plagued consumers for whom MYCHIATRY innovations offer much needed relief from the pressures of modern life.’’ (, 2014)

Inspiration: Companies have adapted to this trend and developed various products and services to enhance Self learning. Tapping into our deep needs to be wiser and more knowledgeable has triggered the invention of various Smart devices such as the Smart head band that helps one focus and furniture such as the smart desk that promotes activity.