Treasure Magazine volumme 4 | Page 4

Treasure magazine
1 . Time Bound : Every plan that sidelines time is a plan that will soon become irrelevant and inapplicable . Time with respect to the past present and future occurrences must always be considered in drafting out a plan for a desired goal . You can ' t for instance desire to purchase a piece of land and expect to get that piece of land with precision if you have not stated a desired time for that desire to become a reality . Make your plans with the consciousness of time and you will always be ahead in your endeavors
2 . Objective : Aside from precision in timing a plan must always be objective . Objective in the sense that , the target of the plan is clearly stated . Once there is no destination every way becomes a road . So in drafting a valid plan the objective ( i . e . what the plan should achieve ) must be clearly stated out .
3 . Achievable : A plan that is feasible , objective but not achievable is as good as no plan . It ’ s ideal that you just don ' t draw up a plan that ' s enticing and intriguing , it must also be feasibly achievable . Your plan must be devoid of ambiguity and inconsistency . Clarity on how to achieve the set goals must be stated out in simple terms that can be understood .
4 . Considerably Flexible . The economy is always fluctuating and policy are likely to change not to talk of the unstable environmental conditions so drawing up a rigid plan is simply a deliberate choice to crash with any economic crisis that may arise . This is not to say your plan should be loose and easily manipulatable by every dick and Harry but that some unforeseen circumstances are considered in drawing the plan .
5 . Scalable . A plan that only has a high dimension in terms of implementation may not be executed and I mean may not . The point is your plan should be such that you can break into beats from which you can handle step by step per time . Let your plan not be too big that you would not be able to achieve neither should your plan be too small to be consequential .
On a general note , in drafting a plan the where , how and when must be thoroughly considered . The future of a desire is only visible if only the desire has a
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