Treasure Magazine Treasure_Magazine_8 | Page 5

Treasure Magazine volume 8 intention today is to share some proven practices that can help strengthen your Networking skill and grow your business. 1. Start with a plan: For any aspect of a business to succeed it starts with a good plan, networking isn't any different. Most entrepreneurs leave this aspect to chance which shouldn’t be so. It should be planned and followed. In drafting a plan, ask yourself the following questions: who would I need to connect with to be successful? What groups, individuals, or company could be most beneficial to my business? What will help me to grow as an entrepreneur? How can I connect with them? Write down your answers and prioritize your networking activities in the course of a day, week and month. Incorporate your activities into your calendar and commit to a plan with a timeline. 2. Build and become a resource on Social media: It amazes me how business owners never explore the full potentials of networking on social media. It is so easy these days to build contacts and connections on social media. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to produce contents, market your business, comment on and engage with relevant industries content to build trust among your followers. This will help you network with contacts who can reach out to you and you can reach out to. LinkedIn is a sophisticated platform for business professionals, use it often to update, share, congratulate and connect with like minds. Leverage on the power of the internet to grow your network around your 5