Treasure Coast News, Business and Community Feb. 2012 | Page 20

Tech Talk

20 - TCnbc Magazine

Google Ad Words

I wish I had a dime for every time someone asked me how Google Ad Words works! There is no simple answer, and what works today, may not work the same way tomorrow because Google changes it's alogrithms almost on a daily basis!

Ad Words are words or phrases that you can bid on, in order for your web site to be ranked/gain higher ranking - that is, to get closer to page one for a given search, however, one can become extremely poor, paying for ranking in this fashion.

For example, if you are a plumber in Miami, choosing 'Plumber in Miami' would probably result in thousands of entries, but you can PAY to be on that first page of Miami plumbers.

Don't believe any company that tells you that it can get you onto page one, and keep you there! How many people can realistically occupy page one and how many times do they sell that concept? And to be sure, large money is spent in an attempt to gain top position.

Click here to see a diagramatical portrayal of how Google Ad Words works

Pay Per Click is another way to become extremely poor, extremely fast because YOU PAY for EVERY click!!

It works like this: The more unique clicks your web site has, the higher your ranking. You pay for this service, so that Search Engines can pay home workers to do nothing all day but to click on your web site!

And you pay for every useless click!

Does it work? Yes, it does, but this is not a true reflection of your web site's popularity as these paid workers don't read anything on your web site - they simply bring it up on their screen and then click to the next site.

Click here to see how pay Per Click works