Committed Colleagues
Each month , we publish our Sustainability Snapshot poster in all our offices , which includes market stories , noteworthy news , fast facts , and a committed colleague bio . These individuals exemplify our sustainability goals at work and at home and serve as a vital component to our sustainability program . Just a few of our committed colleagues are highlighted below :
Walt Williams “ My work at TRC has allowed me to deepen my understanding of the interaction between government agencies , NGOs , and industry , and the driving forces for companies to incorporate sustainability into their core business values . Looking forward , I hope to continue to participate in sustainability related projects both from a bottom up ( paper usage and office recycling ) and top down ( companywide and regional GHG accounting ) perspective . Additionally , I am eager to look back at 2020 and the Coronavirus pandemic to see if there are lessons in sustainability to be learned from a year fraught with challenges .”
Karesse Lockard “ In my role as Sustainability Analyst at TRC I focus on advancing our corporate sustainability goals through data management and communications , and by supporting our Sustainability Coordinator Network and sharing best practices across the company . I also support our clients ’ sustainability efforts with industry benchmarking , reporting assistance and data verification . I am excited to serve TRC in this way , and to help us all become better corporate citizens .”
Ryan Dooley “ The environmental focus of many of our projects is a major reason I enjoy working at TRC . Sustainability and environmental stewardship are important to me in my personal life and doing what I ’ m passionate about makes work much more enjoyable . I am always eager to support opportunities to develop sustainability or renewable energy within the company . In my office , I try to encourage sustainability by collecting our paper recycling , since our office building does not offer recycling .”
Brooks Bertl “ I joined TRC ’ s Sustainability Advisory Services Group where I ’ ve had the opportunity to provide input on green infrastructure issues and to expand my understanding of sustainability within TRC and provide sustainability support to our clients . I have helped establish the Sustainability in the Field Subcommittee to develop guidance for TRC personnel to perform their field duties in a sustainable manner .”
48 2020 Sustainability Report