TRC 2020 Sustainability Report | Page 39

Tips for Working from Home Sustainably
1 . Waste Reduction
■ Consider how you can use or re-purpose what you have before buying additional supplies .
■ Choose eco-friendly or recycled products when you purchase office supplies .
■ Go paperless !
■ Take advantage of your local community recycling capabilities .
2 . Energy Use
■ Take advantage of the energy management features built into your devices and appliances .
■ Turn off or unplug unused devices . Electronics can still have what is called “ Phantom Drain ” in standby / sleep mode .
■ Set the thermostat a few degrees higher in summer and lower in winter . Even a 1-degree change can save energy .
3 . Working Environment
■ Following ergonomic principles , ensure your workstation is arranged to minimize the risk of injury .
■ Create boundaries between work and home life by setting designated workspaces and work periods ; dressing for the office ; and ending your workday by leaving your work area .
■ Keep your workstation clean and clutter free .
■ Make sure your computer has your company ’ s latest security updates installed and your remote internet is secure .
■ Remember family and pets may interrupt during calls and that ’ s OK !
4 . Wellness
■ Take breaks like you ’ re in an office ( get a drink , talk to people , stretch ).
■ Exercise , take walks , spend breaks in nature .
■ Use the time you would normally spend commuting and for personal projects or to recharge .
■ Make use of natural light during the daytime .