Scope 2 emissions represent purchased electricity for our offices . With some of our office lease agreements we do not directly pay for utilities .
Emissions by Scope Measured in MT C02
Therefore , our total annual office energy consumption is calculated using a hybrid method which combines actual energy usage with estimated energy usage . Estimates are based on office square footage and an energy use intensity ( EUI ) figure calculated from our offices with actual data .
3,713 4,563
3,886 4,237
5,271 4,811
This is a common method used when actual utility or energy use information is unavailable ; however , offices may be performing better than this standard metric .
This year we set a new 2025 target to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 35 % by 2025 , normalized to headcount .
6,089 4,072 4,329
5,916 4,896 5,391
Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3
6,725 3,570
Scope 3 emissions include indirect emissions , such as business travel , employee commuting , and emissions from purchased goods and delivered services . We track emissions from rental vehicles but have not set a target for Scope 3 emissions due to fluctuations in business travel related to client needs .
Emissions by Scope Normalized to FTEs Measured in MT C02 per FTE
Efforts to reduce Scope 3 emissions from employee commuting include :
■ Leasing offices near public transportation and efficient commuting routes
1.37 1.69 1.13
1.42 1.55 1.13
1.51 1.38 1.06
■ Allowing flexible work arrangements where appropriate , such as working from home and telecommuting
FY15 FY16
■ Encouraging use of public transportation where possible and effective
We have also begun to collect additional Scope 3 emissions data from some of our corporate vendors , including GHG emissions from paper ( 395 MT CO2e ) and from waste toner cartridges ( 2.70 MT CO2e ).
1.58 1.06 1.13
1.43 1.18 1.30
Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3
1.61 0.85
COVID-19 Impacts
With the majority of our 5000 + employees working from home in the last quarter of FY20 due to COVID-19 , we estimate 2,508,067 kg of Scope 3 CO2 emissions were avoided from reduced employee commuting .