Fleet Vehicles
We utilize company fleet vehicles for our service delivery , in addition to rental vehicles . We set a target for fleet vehicle emissions reductions in 2014 to achieve a 10 % reduction in emissions per mile by 2020 for passenger vehicles and light duty trucks . In FY20 , we achieved a 2 % reduction in emissions per mile in class C-H vehicles since baseline .
Reducing emissions from fleet vehicles continues to be a challenge as our vehicle mix and usage change with our growing business . From FY14-FY20 , our class C-H fleet has grown from approximately 200 vehicles with 2.9 million miles to around 750 vehicles with 7.7 million miles .
Much of our fieldwork requires larger vehicles to haul equipment and handle the wear and tear at job sites . We continue to look for ways to improve our fleet efficiency and reduce fleet emissions by :
■ Replacing vehicles on a frequency that ensures our vehicles are operating as efficiently as possible , while considering financial , environmental , and safety factors
■ Implementing a No-Idling Policy for employees and contractors on job sites
■ Combining client trips to save time , costs , and vehicle wear
■ Evaluating vehicle changeouts to more fuel-efficient alternatives
We have achieved a 2 % reduction in emissions per mile in class C-H vehicles since baseline goals were established in 2014 .
We are in the process of installing Verizon ’ s Reveal telematics platform , with plans to fully implement in FY21 . This system can track vehicle location , engine run and idle time and provide driver-specific safety data such as speeding , harsh driving , and alerts for specified behavior . Along with safety and cost benefits , we will also be able to utilize the data to continue to improve the environmental impact of our fleet through behavioral change .
2 % 2
Emissions by Scope
Reduce our carbon footprint associated with our company vehicular travel
Decrease in CO2 emissions per mile for fleet passenger vehicles and light duty trucks
2 : since 2014 baseline
Our efforts to increase energy efficiency and fuel economy translate to reduced greenhouse gas emissions when normalized to headcount .
Scope 1 emissions include fleet fuel use from all TRCowned fleet vehicles and natural gas use for office heating . Breaking down our Scope 1 emissions , fleet emissions are approximately 3 times greater than emissions from office natural gas use . As we transition our business and acquire more heavy-duty vehicles for project work , our overall fleet emissions have increased on an absolute and normalized basis . Our reduction target is focused on our Class C-H vehicles because we have the greatest ability to impact change in our purchasing .
We have achieved a 25 % decrease in combined Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from FY14 to FY20 , when normalized to headcount .
30 2020 Sustainability Report