TRC 2020 Sustainability Report | Page 24

Perspectives on Emerging Issues
Resilience “ Governments , utilities and private entities are investing at unprecedented levels to make their assets and businesses more capable of withstanding and recovering from a wide range of natural and human caused disasters . According to one report from ABI Research , global public spending on urban resilience alone is set to increase from $ 97bn in 2019 to $ 335bn in 2024 , with a significant portion of that spend occurring in the US . Significant projected spending on physical infrastructure , energy delivery , ICT infrastructure and business continuity provides a great opportunity for TRC to be a leader in resiliency services .”
Matt Beaton Sr . VP Renewable Energy & Emerging Technologies
Environmental Justice “ The pandemic and climate change will continue to highlight social , economic and environmental disparities in our communities . Increasingly , cities and states like California and New Jersey are having dialogues with both internal and external stakeholders and passing new environmental justice regulation . TRC has the skills necessary to navigate through complex environmental justice issues and associated litigation risk that can impede progress in our clients ’ projects . We have completed impact assessments on controversial projects ranging from pipelines , transportation centers to renewable energy projects , and have conducted stakeholder outreach in support of inclusive project participation . Each of us has an opportunity to make this planet a better place and to contribute to the environmental justice dialogue .”
Renewable Natural Gas “ The shift from traditional fossil fuels to renewables continues to significantly impact fuel sources that power our country . Many utilities ( electric and gas ), local governments , and industries have committed to attaining net zero-carbon and methane emissions over the next few decades , due both to environmental issues and demand from endusers . Renewable natural gas ( RNG ) has recently had a resurgence due to its low-carbon footprint and reduction / elimination of other environmental impacts , such as water and air quality . TRC is on the forefront of this resurgence , supporting various entities through Program Planning and Management and the development / engineering of LGTE and animal biogas to RNG projects .”
Mark Johnson Director , Power Generation Business Development
Microplastics “ Society ’ s reliance on single-use plastics has resulted in environmental consequences at a scale which we are just beginning to understand . Our industry will be tasked with identifying the impacts , quantifying the risks , and providing the solutions to minimize the effects of this plastic crisis . TRC is a leader in environmental remediation and on the forefront of emerging contaminant issues . In a field where new scientific literature is shared every day , TRC strives to sort through the wealth of information and be the source of expertise on microplastics contamination .”
Alia Enright Project Engineer
Agnieszka Napiatek Principal Project Manager
22 2020 Sustainability Report