TRC 2020 Sustainability Report | Page 22

The focus by investors on environmental , social and governance ( ESG ) risks has accelerated in recent years and is changing conversations in board rooms and raising expectations of external disclosures .
Investor inquiries and stakeholder demands for transparency are key business drivers for ESG disclosures , including concerns about the financial risks posed by climate change . While climate change affects the majority of capital markets , like other ESG issues , industry impacts are unique . Both the Financial Stability Board ( FSB ) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ( TCFD ) and the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board ( SASB ) have issued industry-specific disclosure guidelines to enable companies to navigate industry-specific issues and to help investors and insurers better understand ESG risks .
Whether for new acquisitions or existing operations , TRC supports our clients ’ ESG strategy and reporting needs with customized advisory services focused on enhancing asset resilience , improving access to capital , and creating value .
New Mountain Capital ’ s ESG Policy expresses a commitment to invest “ in a sustainable and responsible way , with a focus on improving environmental , social , and governance issues within our portfolio companies and at our firm ”.
“ We include ESG as part of our decision making process to encourage social and environmental sustainability as well as strong corporate governance aiming to improve the quality of our portfolio companies .”
Ignacio Sarria , Managing Director , NMC
“ By the end of 2021 , investors that offer investment funds in Europe described as environmentally sustainable will need to explain how , and to what extent , they have used the EU Taxonomy in determining the sustainability of the underlying investments . While the Taxonomy is focused , initially at least , on green investments , it is expected to fundamentally impact the way that environmental , social and governance ( ESG ) factors of any investment are measured and reported , not just in Europe , but globally , through the next 10 years .” Will Nitch- Smith , Director EU
20 2020 Sustainability Report