TRC 2018 Sustainability Report TRC 2018 Sustainability Report | Page 33

TIPS FOR ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY MEETINGS The following considerations can reduce the cost and environmental impact of any meeting. Planning a green meeting doesn’t need to be time consuming– a little thought up front can make a big difference. Meeting Location Food and Beverage ■ Hosting a meeting at a company offi ce, where ■ Box lunches and individually wrapped options can practical, can save money, provide opportunities to connect with colleagues, and offer more oppor- tunities to manage impacts than a third-party ven- ue. Always consider this option where practical. ■ Where onsite meetings are not an option, consider a location that is centrally located for all attend- ees or one that minimizes the amount of air miles, as emissions from air travel are much greater than those from vehicle travel. Allow attendees to video-conference for those who can attend from a distance. ■ When attendees need to travel to the meeting ven- ue, taking steps to help promote and coordinate carpooling, or using a shuttle service or public transportation saves fuel and emissions, as well as providing a safe, effi cient transportation option. Venue ■ Most major hotel chains and restaurants have sustainability programs with specifi c offerings for those who ask. By communicating with the venue in advance, you can take advantage of the sus- tainable options they offer and let your attendees know of their choices. ■ Look for hotels with green certifi cations to help reduce your impact with effi cient operations and sustainable choices. ■ Select meeting rooms with natural light where possible, to promote energy savings and attendee experience. Materials ■ Distribute material electronically in advance of the meeting, rather than providing printed versions. Request that attendees bring their laptops or tablets. ■ If giveaways are used in the meeting, consider selecting useful items that won’t end up in a landfi ll and/or items that are reusable, recyclable, and/or serve a good cause. produce a lot of waste. Consider other options, such as buffet style catered meals. ■ Ask your venue for a no-linens option for tables to reduce the amount of water needed to wash them after the event. ■ To help reduce waste going to the landfi ll, mini- mize materials used. Common options include: swapping individual plastic bottles of water for pitchers of water and reusable glasses; using reusable forks, spoons, and knives over single use utensils; and reusable coffee mugs rather than paper or Styrofoam. Fitness and Wellness ■ Allow for 20-minute breaks and provide suggested walking paths to stretch. Paths or trails ¼ to ½ mile are ideal, preferably outdoors, but think of indoor substitutes if the venue or weather doesn’t allow something outdoors. ■ Engaging in the community and/or with clients can promote teambuilding and an opportunity to give back. Where practical, consider organizing an activity before or after the meeting around a mutually benefi cial cause. Communications ■ Communicate options to attendees in advance, to raise awareness on sustainable choices offered. ■ Your venue and suppliers may be able to share metrics from your meeting, including those on energy consumption, water usage, waste consumption or generation, and carbon emissions. ■ In conjunction with other feedback solicited from the meeting attendees, be sure to request feedback on benefi ts of the practices implemented. Guidance drafted by TRC’s Sustainability Coordinator Network in FY18