Our corporate governance framework ensures account-
ability, fairness, and transparency in our relationship
with our stakeholders. Our board members provide
strategic guidance while adhering to sound corporate
governance practices. As of July 1, 2018, the board
structure consists of the Chairman/Chief Executive
Officer and three directors from our principal owner,
New Mountain Capital, and three independent directors.
The Board has regularly scheduled quarterly meetings
and has two active organizational committees
governed by written charters:
■ ■ Audit and Risk Committee
■ ■ Finance Committee
In addition to the regularly scheduled quarterly
meetings, the Board and committees hold additional
meetings, as needed.
Sustainability is an agenda item on our monthly execu-
tive team strategy calls and our monthly management
team status calls and our directors are engaged in the
review of our environmental, social, and governance
risks and performance, in conformance with New
Mountain Capital’s ESG Program.
Consistent with Principle 15 of “The Rio Declaration
on Environment and Development,” the executive team
supports the use of the precautionary principle in its
approach to risk management in its strategic planning
and policy implementation.
NMC acknowledges the United Nations Responsible
Investment Guidelines (UNPRI) and supports American
Investment Council’s Guidelines for Responsible