Sustainable Infrastructure
An estimated $90 trillion in global infrastructure invest-
ment is anticipated over the next decade and a half –
driven by aging infrastructure in advanced economies
and higher growth and rapid urbanization in developing
countries. Investment choices made now can position
us on resilient or non-sustainable pathways for decades
to come.
Major advances in technology are resulting in smart cit-
ies, smart cars, and smart people – bringing about shifts
in entire market sectors. The electrifi cation of energy
consumption – from the way we heat and light buildings
to the way we transport goods, people, services, and
TRC joins the Sustainable
Infrastructure Advisory
TRC joins the Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory
Board (SIAB), through the Zofnass Program at
Harvard University in 2018. The Board’s objectives
include facilitating the adoption of sustainable
solutions for infrastructure projects and systems
and expanding the body of knowledge for sustain-
able infrastructure.
ideas - is also advancing, as pre-commercial and proven
technologies are scaled to decarbonize the power, trans-
port, industry and buildings sectors.
Investment strategies in response to severe weath-
er events, the threat of rising sea levels, and ongoing
drought conditions, are driving sustainable infrastruc-
ture design, asset hardening, contingency planning and
emergency response. Safeguarding business continu-
ity, increasing a city’s resistance to vulnerabilities, or
responding to restore critical infrastructure in a timely
manner are all areas where TRC excels.
TRC receives Gold
recognition from APTA
The American Public Transit Agency has recog-
nized TRC at the Gold level for its sustainability
commitments, including services to the public
transit industry that have reduced greenhouse
gases, minimized water use, developed green
construction policies, advanced environmental
management systems, and identifi ed innovative
energy effi ciency opportunities.