A world of travellers, a world of Traverse ; we wouldn't exist without the many inspiring people who get on their
bikes and ride. They'll all tell you they did nothing special, just something that they loved - they got on their bikes ...
In this months issue of Traverse -
Rex is a Himalayan Hero, dressed
as a Yeti he takes a bunch of very
distinguished gentlemen to the
roof of the world, suits and all.
We go along for the ride and see
what all the hilarity is about and
the cause it supports.
Having just finished a four year,
solo RTW ride, aboard a lit-
tle red Honda, called Rhonda,
Steph shares some insights into
travelling Australia and the great
land of contrasts that it is.
Chris Foster joins us again and
takes us from top to bottom,
Nordkapp to Cape Town. Part
1 of his adventure sees him rid-
ing through Europe, sharing his
unique insight and perspective.
Gilles Robert takes us to South
America, Amazonia, and what
was to be a simple bike ride be-
came an adventure, a challenge
... just what we like ...