TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 12-2015 | Page 23

CH¶•NG TRçNH CUˇI N°M HƒP D√N TÑI GIÉ V– ❄ Dπ ti÷c Æ™m Gi∏ng sinh 24/12 | Plaza Ballroom ❄ Dπ ti÷c Æ™m Giao thıa 31/12 | Plaza Ballroom mAGNIFIQUE FESTIVE DELIGHTS 2.260.000VNß++/ng≠Íi lÌn, 1.580.000VNß++/trŒ em 13 - 17 tuÊi, 960.000VNß++/trŒ em 4 - 12 tuÊi. ❄ Ti÷c Æ’m ng≠Óc “City Lights” 31/12, Summit Lounge, t«ng 20 880.000VNß++/ng≠Íi (gÂm 3 Æ uËng vµ Æ ®n nhã) Trong dp nµy, Sofitel Plaza Hµ NÈi cn c„ nhi“u combo ≠u Æ∑i h†p d…n khi d˘ ti÷c vµ Æ∆t phng Î dµnh cho gia Æ◊nh, c∆p Æ´i vµ nh„m bπn. TICKET PRICE ❄ Christmas Eve Gala Dinner 24/12 | Plaza Ballroom ❄ New Year’s Eve Gala Dinner 31/12 | Plaza Ballroom VND2,260,000++/adult - VND1,580,000++/child between 13 - 17 years old VND960,000++/child between 4 - 12 years old. ❄ “City Lights” Countdown party 31/12 | Summit Lounge, 20th floor VND880,000++/adult, including 3 drinks and canapäs. Accommodation Packages are available for couples, families and friends. MÔa l‘ hÈi Æang tÌi, ch≠¨ng tr◊nh cuËi n®m Æ∆c sæc tπi Kh∏ch sπn Sofitel Plaza Hµ NÈi sœ Æem Æ’n cho bπn nh˜ng gÓi ˝ phÔ hÓp nh†t cho mÈt Gi∏ng sinh vµ N®m mÌi t≠ng bıng. HANOI Festive Season is coming to town and Sofitel Plaza Hanoi’s magnifique selection of events will surely be the best suggestions for you. Kh´ng kh› l‘ hÈi theo h≠¨ng b∏nh quy gıng tπi qu«y b∏nh Au Palais Gourmand qua nhµ hµng Ming vµ Brasserie Westlake Æ∑ tr∂i khæp m‰i ng„c ng∏ch Sofitel Plaza Hµ NÈi. The festive spirit with the delicate scent of our gingerbread at Au Palais Gourmand bakery has spread throughout Ming, Brasserie Westlake and all corners of Sofitel Plaza Hanoi. NËi ti’p giai Æi÷u cÒa dµn Th∏nh ca tπi s∂nh kh∏ch sπn lµ Gala Æ™m Gi∏ng sinh tπi Plaza Ballroom tı 19h Æ’n 22h30. Buffet t˘ ch‰n gÂm h∂i s∂n t≠¨i ngon, Æ n≠Ìng ÆÀm Ƶ, Æ uËng cao c†p cÔng nhi“u mµn bi”u di‘n k◊ c´ng sœ Æem Æ’n cho bπn vµ ng≠Íi th©n mÈt Gi∏ng sinh kh„ qu™n. Ghi d†u ngµy cuËi cÔng cÒa n®m 2015, h∑y cÔng tÀn h≠Îng Dπ ti÷c Æ™m Giao thıa Æ≠Óc di‘n ra tπi Plaza Ballroom tı 19h30 Æ’n nˆa Æ™m. Buffet h∂i s∂n vµ Æ n≠Ìng th≠Óng hπng trong kh´ng kh› s´i ÆÈng cÒa nh˜ng mµn bi”u di‘n c´ng phu sœ lµ l˘a ch‰n l˝ t≠Îng Æ” bæt Æ«u n®m mÌi. ß™m ti÷c Æ’m ng≠Óc chµo n®m mÌi Æang chÍ Æ„n bπn tπi Summit Lounge tr™n t«ng cao nh†t cÒa kh∏ch sπn. Ngµy 31/12, tı 21h, Summit Lounge h©n hπnh giÌi thi÷u ti÷c ra mæt si™u ph»m “City Lights” cÒa h∑ng Champagne danh ti’ng Taittinger. Bπn sœ c„ nh˜ng kho∂nh khæc Æ«y h¯ng khÎi Æ” chµo Æ„n n®m mÌi 2016 vÌi Æ uËng tuy÷t vÍi, nh˜ng m„n ®n nhã s∏ng tπo vµ kh´ng gian ©m nhπc Æ∆c sæc tı show di‘n cÒa c∏c ngh÷ s‹ Rn’B quËc t’. Enjoy the melodies of the Christmas Choir at the Hotel’s Lobby before joining the Christmas Eve Gala dinner from 7:00pm to 10:30pm at Plaza Ballroom. A delectable Seafood and Roast Carvery Buffet, free flow drinks and live entertainment will make your Christmas unforgettable. Mark your last night of 2015 by enjoying great food and cherishing your loved ones at the New Year’s Eve Gala dinner at Plaza Ballroom from 7:30pm until midnight. Opulent culinary treats and enticing performances will help you celebrate your New Year on a high note. An exclusive countdown party at the rooftop Summit Lounge is awaiting for you. From 9:00pm on December 31st, Summit Lounge proudly presents the launching of the iconic “City Lights” edition from Taittinger Champagne on the most sparkly night of the year. Celebrate 2016 with marvelous drinks, a variety of canapäs and great performances by international Rn’B artists. SOFITEL PLAZA HANOI * 1 Thanh Nien Road, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi, Vietnam * Tel: 04 3823 8888 * Hotline: 0901 778 318 * E-mail: [email protected] TRAVELLIVE 23