TRAVELLIVE MAGAZINE Travellive 04-2016 | Page 40

Content > 15/04/2016 DESTINATION - LIFESTYLE - INTERVIEW - GUIDES & TIPS - SLOW LIVING WHAT&WHERE - FASHION - DISCOVER - TRAVELLER OUTFIT - EVENT CALENDAR Goreme Park, Cappadocia Fashion 46 > Istanbul is a fairy tales S˘ pha trÈn v®n h„a vµ nhp sËng n∏o nhi÷t khi’n Istanbul trÎ thµnh m∂nh Ɔt th«n ti™n nh≠ trong nh˜ng c©u chuy÷n cÊ t›ch. The fanciful sceneries and bustling atmosphere of life with religious and cultural colors, making Istanbul like a fairy tale. guides & tips 96 > 3 TRÅI NGHIåM “PHÅI TH^” KHI BAY CùNG TURKISH AIRLINES Turkish Airlines sœ mang tÌi hµnh kh∏ch nh˜ng tr∂i nghi÷m »m th˘c, th≠ gi∑n vµ tham quan kh´ng th” b· lÏ. 3 “must-have” experiences with Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines offer its customers must-try dining, leisure and sightseeing experiences.  TRAVELLIVE TURKEY 58 ISTANBUL, THÄNH PHˇ TR£N 7 QUŠߤI > Thµnh phË vÌi nh˜ng con dËc, m∏i vm nhµ thÍ, c∏c c≠ x∏ hi÷n Æπi xen l…n khu phË cÊ k›nh pha trÈn nhi“u phong c∏ch ki’n trÛc... Istanbul, the city on 7 hills Strolling about the city’s myriad of alleyways, you will encounter numerous architectural styles that were popular in different stages of the city’s history. Cappadocia 76 X` Sô TH¡N THOÑI > Cappadocia y™n b◊nh, xinh Æãp tÌi nÁi du kh∏ch lu´n c„ c∂m gi∏c n¨i Æ©y giËng nh≠ mÈt x¯ sÎ th«n thoπi b l∑ng qu™n vµ c„ ph«n c∏ch bi÷t vÌi th’ giÌi hi÷n Æπi. THE MYTHICAL LAND Cappadocia is like a forgotten fairyland separated from the modern world. This place likes a forgotten mythical land isolated from the modern life.